Rock opera for all family based on timeless story by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Premiere 8. 6. 2017 in RockOpera Praha.
With the rock opera The Little Prince RockOpera Prague, he continues his tradition of authorial adaptations of works of classical literature. In addition, the adaptation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's novel is her first family rock opera. The story is about a pilot who crashes in the desert. As he repairs his plane, the Little Prince appears, wanting him to draw him a lamb, and tells him about his experiences of space travel. About what strange planets he was on and what he saw on them. He left his home planet to travel, where he fell in love with a rose.
The Little Prince is the most famous work of the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. "At first glance, the cute fairy tale hides a philosophical subtext, which becomes clearer to the reader with increasing age. Therefore, the story is a suitable material for children and their parents," describes the librettist of the rock opera Little Prince - Pavla Forest.
Malý princ: hraje: Irina Andreeva, zpívá: Marie Steigerwaldová, Letec: hraje a zpívá: Kamil Střihavka, Had: hraje: Matěj Kohout, zpívá: Kamil Střihavka, Král, Dítě: hraje: Vladimir Benderski, zpívá: Kamil Střihavka, Růže, Liška: hrají a zpívají: Irena Kristeková, Daniela Gildenlöw Langrová, Hvězdář, Businessman, Nádražák: hraje a zpívá, závěsná akrobacie: Salvi Salvatore, Lampa, Studna, Asistentka Businessmana: hraje a zpívá: Pavla Forest, Barman, Manager: hraje a zpívá: Petr Opava, Opilec, Domýšlivec: hraje: Lukáš Šimon, Růže: závěsná akrobacie, tanec: Lenka Natálie Ryšavá, Baobaby, Ochranka businessmana: hrají: ( Davee Szelezsan, Henrique Pinto, Zdeněk Veselý), Dále hrají a tančí: Lidé, Ženy a Děti: Martin Sluka, Vratislav Kolomazník, Barbora Nováková a další, dětský herecký soubor Krásný sarafán, (pod vedením Iriny Andreevy)