The Devil never sleeps, or so they say. But what is he doing when he's not sleeping? He's most likely resting, waiting for his next prey... it could well be the educated Doctor Faust.
Premiere 11. 12. 2014 in RockOpera Praha.
To ease his pain, Faust uses White Magic to call on the Spirit of the Earth, but the Spirit despises him. Faust then turns to Black Magic instead and the power of the Evil is unleashed. He starts seeing black dogs that follow him home but always suddenly disappear.... One day, finally, the black dogs bring forth their master and leader - Mefisto ("the core of the poodle").
Mefisto offers Faust gold, youth and beauty but Faust resists the temptation wisely, after all - at his age - he can hardly appreciate something so fleeting and superficial. All he wants is a real moment, a snippet of time in which he can touch reality and truly believe in and care for what he sees. He wants to feel alive again. Mefisto nods and draws up an agreement and, despite the warning voice of God, Faust signs his fate. He then follows Mefisto to meet the sorceress, drinks a cup of magic potion and his soul is changed by the dark forces. Along with the wraiths and shadows, they then flee across the land towards what Faust believes to be the "real life", awaiting him ahead.
Somewhere in the heart of a small town, it's an ordinary day for a beautiful maiden named Marketa. Her brother Wolfgang is troubled by love; her friends are falling in and out of love and life runs along the old trodden paths, one day morphs into another. Everything seems to be the way it should be. Just another day in a small town.
On her way to church Marketa's path crosses with a charming, charismatic stranger. Appearing well-educated and worldly, he immediately showers her with his attention and expensive gifts. He's accompanied by a servant of suspicious looks and a there's a pack of black dogs at his heels. Marketa, mesmerised, immediately falls in love with the handsome stranger and his power takes her deeper and deeper into oblivion. No wonder, as the stranger is Faust himself and with him Mefistoteles and his black servants of Evil.
Marketa's love affair is the new talk of the town and many voices speak of her Pact with the Devil. The charmed girl is blind and deaf to what's happening around her. Faust - torn between the last remaining traces of his old self and his soul now changed by the Devil - puts up one last feeble fight with Mefistoteles. It's an uneven duel and Faust can't see through the trap Mefistoteles set up for him. Faust believes that he's protecting Marketa from Mefisto but it is not so. The Evil, impersonated by Mefistoteles, is about to win.
Faust seduces Marketa. Nine months later she gives birth and promptly kills her newborn baby, losing her mind. Evil Buffons invade the town and law and order cease to exist, giving way to terror and chaos. Unaware, Faust and Mefisto continue to live it up in their pursuit of real happiness and joy, traveling carelessly across the land.
Walpurgis night - the great night of the witches - is approaching and with it a plethora of twisted and sinful entertainment arranged by Mr. Sabbath. He's been truly busy this time and the party is about to start. Faust arrives and sees Marketa, who, due to the pain and hardship she'd suffered has gone insane. Marketa notices Faust and suddenly sees through the fog of her madness and speaks of her love for him. Faust, happy and more alive than he could ever hope for, wishes with his whole heart that this moment never ends. He utters these words aloud. His wishes are heard and his soul is forever condemned, to be consumed by the fires of Hell.
So what is the Devil plotting? What is he up to? He's never asleep, that's for sure! Don't hesitate and don't be lulled into unwanted sleep! Instead, come and meet our charismatic Doctor Faust. We guarantee that your soul is safe from the fires of Hell but you will sure fall for the charms of rock music! And that's the core of the poodle!

Hudba: Milan Steigerwald, libreto: Pavla Forest, režie: Roman Štolpa, choreografie: Irina Andreeva, výtvarník kostýmů: Lucie Konopíková, scénografie: Pavla Forest, projekce: Veronika Vacínková, grafika: Michaela Fišerová, lighting desing, světelná režie: Michal Slunečko, zvuková režie: Ondřej Martínek, umělecká maskérka: Hana Šímová, asistent režie: Eva Petrášková, asistent choreografky: Matěj Kohout, jevištní mistryně: Jana Eichlerová, media relations: Tomáš Kopečný, Jiří Štraub, inspicient: Luboš Vayhel
Faust: Jiří Zonyga, Markétka: Daniela Gildenlöw Langrová, Mefistofeles: Viktor Dyk, Mr. Sabbath: Petr Kutheil, Wolfgang: Jan Toužimský / Honza Tláskal, Hospodin: Pavla Forest, Kouzelnice: Helena Kubelková, Marta: Šáren Makovcová, Duch Země, vesnický farář: Petr Opava, Wagner, socha: Petr Semerád / Martin Sluka, Přízrak: Michal Bartizal, Buffoni: Irina Andreeva, Zuzana Dovalová, Jana Paňková, Matěj Kohout, Jan Hnilička, Salvi Salvatore, Ďáblice, vesničanky: Jana Eichlerová, Eva Petrášková