This piece is a classic-ethnic-rock opera by Milan Steigerwald and Pavla Forest inspired by The Tibetan Book of the Dead.
Premiere 29. 11. 2010 in RockOpera Praha.

Be a rocker in the next life!
What awaits us before we are re-born? What turmoil and twists and turns must the soul go through before it can be reincarnated again? The mysteries of life and death, reincarnation and afterlife have always been puzzling the humankind. Up until now there's not been any evidence brought back from this long journey....
What should one do to become a rocker in their next life then?
The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a cornerstone of Tibetan Buddhism, the teaching of the masters. It originates in the 8th Century AD when it was most probably first written. For a long time after that, it had been considered a secret doctrine. Only in the 14th Century, it became widespread. Since those time it has been read to the living and dying so that their souls are well prepared for the perils of the world on the "other side".
The main hero of our story, a sinner (Matej Kohout), is on an adventurous journey through the world of Bard, a journey where his path is laid with many wicked and cruel temptations. He meets "Bright Light" in its pure form, the revelation of "Universal Goodness" (Miroslava Necasova), the Great Compassionate One - Avalokitesvara (Viktor Dyk), many tantric divine Gods - peaceful and wrathful ones (Irina Andreeva, Tereza Atanas Georgievova etc), and finally the Lord of Death (Petr Opava).
His karma weighed down with sin is forced to reincarnate his soul once again but thanks to the rock voices of his guides and companions on this journey it will be a happy reincarnation full of rock tunes!
Come and help our pilgrim find the right way!
Be a part of this interactive performance with a mystical atmosphere. Hear the mantras chanted by real Tibetan monks in harmony with the rock tunes of our band along with the sound of ethnic musical instruments as well as the symphonic orchestra, accompanied by the voices of rock and opera singers - just the perfect mix for all of you sinners and saints out there! Be the witness of a sinner, journeying through a mystical world, reborn into the pumping world of rock!
Horolezec a jeho duše: Matěj Kohout, Průvodce: Pavla Forest, Tibetský mnich a rocker: Jan Toužimský, Velký slitovník Avalókitešvára: Viktor Dyk, Jasné světlo, bohyně Univerzální dobroty: Miroslava Časarová, Pán smrti: Petr Opava, Mystická zjevení: Irina Andreeva, Tereza Georgievová, Zuzana Dovalová, Michaela Hradecká, Jana Paňková, Michael Bartizal, Salvi Salvatore, Ivo Jurečka